BMX Sports to keep yourself fit & healthy

BMX sports to keep your body fit, heathy and get an exposure worldwide with

our trained professionals & build the sports in you.

BMX is a sport built on the premise of racing fast, off-road tracks on a

bicycle smaller and

lighter than a road bike or mountain bike.

We are planning to have a BMX infrastructure soon in next few years to help people

who are interested on extreme sports.

As of now we provide guidance on BMX extreme sports and the scope it has in

international market.

In India also the love for BMX is growing and we can see a lot of infrastructure

coming up in some of the metro cities.

The sport may have been born on a love of racing,

but from that culture spawned all sorts of other disciplines under the banner of ‘freestyle’ –

the likes of street riding, park and vert riding, dirt riding and flatland.

Types of BMX Sports

  • Flatland BMX is sort of like dancing on the bike, and is performed on flat surfaces, without ramps
  • Street BMX gets creative with handrails, stairs, drops, ledges and other urban surroundings
  • Park riding is done in skate parks, half-pipes and on other purpose-built features
  • Dirt riding is, well you guessed it, done on dirt, whether that be on dirt racetracks or jump tracks

Please Get in Touch for details

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