Why Website is Important for Business

Founder of Good 4 Nothing Humanity Conducting Workshop

Business website has gained prominence more than ever before since 2020

Do you want your business to stay relevant in technology driven fast world?

Or do you think your business needs to maintain an interest in the digital market?

So, if you are interested to take your business to the next level, then keep reading

The main objective or goals of any business is to generate great quality leads & sales.

Business website has lot of benefits in a long term and increases its value exponentially.

Do you know there are currently more than 2 billion websites online.

Website is important for any kind of business irrespective of its size.

Still not convinced?

Let’s get started.

Why you need a website for your business

Many businesses find it difficult to generate leads for their business

There are many ways to generate leads like Facebook Marketing, Google ads, but they are not free

Paid ads are good but they are not free. As long as your ads are runnning, you get leads.

Laptop Screen: Business Website

As soon as ads stop running, leads stop coming. Remember paid ads are expensive specially google ads

For business who are running on tight budget, ads will not be viable (good) option.

And specially, when you are planning to launch your new business, your first step should be to get free or organic traffic

Therefore, Organic traffic is important for all kind of businesses (New & Old business).

Do you know Up to 60% of mobile users get in touch with businesses via Google

According to recent statistics,

  • 88% of consumers use the internet to research products and services before making a purchase.
  • 75% of people believe that their first impression of any business comes from its website
  • 86% of consumers rely on the internet to find local business.
  • 91% of customers have visited a store after interacting with a online website.
  • Customers prefer website to know more about you, to get in touch with you, to buy from you & be a part of community.

Why Organic traffic to your business website?

Because organic traffic is free.

Moreover, Organic traffic is important because it is targeted.

Users visiting your website from a search engine’s organic results have a very specific intent and if you can provide them with a solution or answer their questions, they are more likely to convert.

Organic traffic is important as it indicates how well your SEO is working and also represents potential
client conversions

Organic traffic is the term used to describe visits to a website coming from a search engine’s organic results
and not paid ads

When users type a query in a search engine (such as Google or Bing), they are presented with a set of results that includes both the pages ranking on the top positions organically and a set of ads (usually denoted with the word Ad) to differentiate them from the organic results.

For e.g. when we search for best laptops, the results are as below

Why business needs a website: Serach Engine Results page when searching for Best Laptops

Types of Organic Traffic

  • Paid Search: This is traffic coming to your website from paid search ads.
  • Direct Traffic: When someone visits your website directly by typing the URL in a browser, this is recorded in Google Analytics as direct traffic.
  • Referral Traffic: When someone clicks a link on another website and visits your website, this is recorded as referral traffic.
  • Social: This is traffic coming from social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.).
  • Display: Refers to traffic coming from paid ads on other websites.
  • Email: If you are using an email marketing software to email your subscribers and you have connected your software with Google Analytics, any traffic generated from clicks on your emails is recorded as Email traffic.

How can you drive organic traffic to your website

So to generate organic traffic via Google when people search, you need to write great quality
content that persuades people to take action

Mobile on Display: Business Website

When people search in google, they get into SERP (Search engine Results Page) as shown above in image

It has both Organic (free) & paid results

When a user clicks on any of the organic (Free) results and visits a website this is recorded in analytics tools as organic search traffic.

In order for a page to have any chances of ranking organically in search engines, it has to target a specific keyword or topic.

So, Website is important to drive Organic Traffic with great quality content.

The first step to get your business website. Website will help you to get organic traffic. It makes your business digital.

If you have a business & if your business is not digital or online, you will be left behind.

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Why should your business be Digital?

Going digital can help you work smarter, not harder.

Covid_19 proved, small businesses must adapt to changing circumstances, sometimes from one day to the next.

Going digital is crtical for small businesses if they want to stay relevant

Founder Conducting Workshop: Business Website

Starting your business website is the first step of going digital where people can access all the information

Or you can market you business via Social Media Platforms like facebook & Linkedin or Instgaram

There are so many social media marketing platform that can help you to reach your potentials customers

In this Modern era, if your business is not marketing online, you are doing something wrong

For business to survive it needs to be accessible to people online anythime & from anywhere

Because if people are searching online & if your business does not pop up, you are

losing to competitors who are having online presence

Importance of Business Website

Having a website can be important for small businesses for several reasons.

  • First, a website can help small businesses to establish their online presence and reach a wider audience.
  • Second, a website can help small businesses to build credibility and trust
  • Thirdly, a website can be an important tool for small businesses to communicate with their customers and stakeholders.
  • Fourthly, Website can help business to generate free (organic) traffic to generate leads & sales.
  • Finally, a website can be a useful tool for small businesses to analyze and track their performance. For E.g. Google Analytics

So, having a website can be a valuable tool for small businesses to build credibility& trust.

It can also help to generate best quality leads & ultimately conversion & sales.

Today, having a business website is as crucial as having a shop, office or telephone number.

Research has found that 6/10 customers expect brands to have content online about their business. 

So there are huge benefits to have a business website. Let’s highlight few of them.

Benefits of Business Website

  • Reach: A website allows a small business to reach a wider audience
  • Credibility: Customers are more likely to trust a business that has an online presence and is transparent about its offerings.
  • Marketing: A website can serve as a hub for marketing efforts. It can include information about promotions and sales, as well as links to social media accounts and email newsletters
  • Customer service: A website can provide a convenient way for customers to get in touch with a small business and find answers to their questions.
  • E-commerce: A website can provide a platform for a small business to sell its products or services online

Overall, a website can help a small business reach more customers, establish credibility, and streamline,
its marketing and customer service efforts.

Now, that we understand why business needs a website, the importance & benefits of the same, let’s

now jump into what kind of business can have a website.

What kind of business can have a website

Any kind of business can have a website, whether it’s a small local business, a large corporation, or an online-only enterprise.

Person typing on laptop: Business website importance.

In fact, having a website is becoming increasingly important for businesses of all sizes and types,

as more and more people turn to the internet to research and shop for products and services.

In short, any business that wants to establish an online presence, reach a wider audience, and improve their customer service can benefit from having a website.

Here are few businesses who can have a business website

  • Retail stores: Online shopping has become increasingly popular, and having a website allows retailers to expand their reach beyond their physical location.
  • Restaurants and cafes: A website can be used to display menus, provide directions, and allow customers to place orders online
  • Service providers: Lawyers, accountants, consultants, and other service providers can use websites to showcase their expertise, provide information about their services, and attract new clients.
  • Manufacturers: A website can be used to showcase products, provide technical specifications, and offer support to customers.
  • Non-Profit Organization: Charities, foundations, and other non-profit organizations can use websites to accept donations, provide information about their cause.

Now, the question what you need to build a website.

Once you know the components, you can design your website by yourself

or if you are not technical enough, you can hire a developer or website designer to do the job

Top 7 Components to build a Website

  • A domain name: This is the address that people will type into their web browser to access your website. You can register a domain name
  • Web hosting: This is where your website’s files and data will be stored. There are many web hosting providers to choose from. You can search on the internet
  • A content management system (CMS): This is software that you can use to create and manage the content of your website.
  • A design: This includes the layout, color scheme, and overall appearance of your website
  • Content: This is the text, images, and other media that you will include on your website
  • A web browser: This is the software that you will use to access and view your website
  • An internet connection: This is required to access and view your website.

Small Businesses that use their websites to connect with customers see an average 15-50% growth in revenue.

In fact, all businesses—big and small—are finding that their websites can be an incredibly valuable tool for
reaching customers and increasing sales.

Your website is a commercial asset, but some people treat it more like a hobby.
Those people are happy to just let it sit there, doing nothing more than generating a bit of traffic.

Your website has the potential to be so much more than that.

It could be a powerful marketing tool, generating leads and sales for your business.

But in order to do that, you need to treat it like a business asset and invest in its development.

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What are the benefits of having a website for a business?

A website can help a business reach a wider audience, improve customer service, and increase sales.

How can a website help my business attract new customers?

A website can provide information about a business’s products or services and make it easy for customers
to contact the business or make a purchase

How can a website help my business improve customer service?

A website can provide customers with information about a business’s products or services,
and make it easy for customers to contact the business with questions or concerns.

How can a website help my business increase sales?

A website can provide customers with information about a business’s products or services,
and make it easy for customers to purchase those products or services online.

Can a website help my business with branding?

Yes, a website can help a business establish its brand by providing information about the business,
its products or services, and its values.

How can a website help my business stay competitive?

A website can provide customers with information about a business’s products or services,
and make it easy for customers to purchase those products or services online.
This can help a business stay competitive by making it easy for customers to find and purchase products or services from the business

What are the costs associated with having a website for my business?

The costs associated with having a website for a business can vary depending on the size and
complexity of the website, and whether the business chooses to create the website in-house or
hire a web development company.

Is it necessary to have an e-commerce website?

An e-commerce website may not be necessary for all businesses, but it can be a useful
way for businesses to sell products or services online.

How do I measure the success of my business website?

Measuring the success of a business website can be done by tracking metrics such as website traffic,
conversion rates, and customer feedback.

Conclusion: Benefits of Business Website

  • Expand your reach
  • Build trust and credibility
  • Looks more professional
  • Business stays open 24/7
  • Attracts new customers and reaches new markets
  • Provides value to your customers
  • Generates leads and sales
  • Increases brand awareness and promotes your business
  • You can get feedback from customers
  • Get free advertising by creating a blog
  • Reduced marketing costs (ROI)
  • Showcases your expertise

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How can we help?

We help small & medium businesses with Digital & social media marketing strategy that can help business growth

Get a customized website for your business that can increase your online visibility, generate leads and improve customers engagement

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