Sales Coaching: 6 Steps Coaching Model


Sales Coaching the 6 Steps Coaching model will help any business to increase sales & ROI for their business

Do you want improvement & learning for your team members, develop people

and improve performance for your organization?

Direct coaching can help you to bring the best out of your sales people

Sales Coaches play a very important role for improving performance,

developing people and helping achieve goals.

The benefits are huge: increased revenue, high sales, great customer

experiences & definitely ROI for business.

Not only does it increase performance, but it’s an effective method to develop your team members

Read How Coaching improves Team Performance

Team Coaching is a high leverage activity used by leaders who want to

foster team & organizational learning.

Today we share with you the 6 Steps Coaching Model & skills that can be

applied within the team context to promote continuous improvement & learning.

It all starts with an agreement around team goals for performance & development.

6 Steps Coaching Model- Behavior Changes

Sales Coaching is all about behavioural change of a person.

It is less about the task & more on focusing on team members self discover

& self assess ways to solve problems & grow.

Improving & change in behaviour is the key important ingredient for sales coaching.

One On One Sales Coaching

It is a long term process and as a sales coach and business implementing

sales coaching in their organization needs to have a lot of patience.

Results do not come overnight. Focusing on the problem and providing

solution is key for the growth of sales people

Benefits of The 6 Steps Coaching Model for your business

Sales Coaching- Sales coach having word with Sales Person
Sales Coaching- Sales coach having word with Sales Person
  • Collaboration skills both in person & remote
  • Team performance & execution
  • Problem solving & thinking strategically to meet team challenges
  • Facilitating team dynamics to support enhanced performance & results
  • Identification & inclusion of diverse talents on a global team

Sales Coaching- Why Sales Coaching is important

Leaders create a culture where coaching is valued by using a coaching

process & skills to support individuals & teams

Idea is to build competence, accomplish goals and develop capabilities to progress in a team

The main objective of sales coaching is :

  • To improve performance of salespeople
  • Identifying Sales people’s strength & weakness
  • Build a great relationships
  • Change behaviour
  • Provide constructive feedback
  • Develop knowledge that builds confidence
  • Continuous improvement by doing regular follow up

Now let’s dive into the 6 steps of Coaching Model to build a team

that improves performance and build a high performance team

Sales Coaching: How Can Coaches improve team performance

  • Identifying opportunity
  • Establish Rapport
  • Assess the situation
  • Define desired outcome
  • Determine next step
  • Evaluate & Follow up

Sales Coaching: Identifying opportunity

Recognizing situations where coaching will be of value.

In order to improve the performance of the team, as business you need to identify

whether coaching is actually required.

Identifying the need for coaching is more important for a business to be successful.

For Eg: Sometimes you need to coach a whole bunch of sales people in your team

where the team is underperforming compared to other teams members on the floor.

Identifying opportunity: Person Presenting
Identifying opportunity: Person Presenting

Sometimes those few people who are underperforming and bring the overall

performance of a team down

When identifying who needs coaching, it will not only save your time but money & resources too

Gather information/indicators to identify the coachable moment.

Clarify whether the situation requires feedback or coaching.

Sales Coaches Establish Rapport

Create a foundation for the coaching relationships/conversation

For this sales coaches need to connect with the person to establish rapport, build mutual trust & respect

Sales coaches need to set clear expectations and goals for the coaching relationship conversation

It means agreeing on how they will work together for a long term to get the desired results

Handshake: Building Rapport with Sales Person
Handshake: Building Rapport with Sales Person

Need commitment from both sides with mutual understanding.

Sales coaches can raise awareness by sharing indicators and observation

(actual v/s expected performance) or identify as a development opportunity.

What communication styles will be adopted ,for eg face to face, email, telephone

(depending on diverse culture, locations, styles).

Pandemic has changed the way we work, so you need to identify the best that filters on both sides.

Sales Coaching: Assess the situation

Effective listening is very critical for the sales coaches to bring out the results from sales people.

Using effective listening and questioning to understand the situation and

reasons for performance can go a long way not only to build a

great rapport but improve performance.

Listening & Observing Sales Rep talking
Listening & Observing Sales Rep talking

Assessing whether the current situation contributes to the performance

or its an opportunity to develop

( lack of knowledge). Gathering information & expanding thinking and use

dialogue and tools to understand more

about the opportunity, contributing factors and key stakeholders

Generate and evaluate solutions that best fits for the improvement of the team members

Sales Coaching: Define desired outcomes

For any results to come, you need an action plan and continuous follow up with the plan in action

Assess your action plan for the commitment level.

Person Microscope: Looking at Data
Person Microscope: Looking at Data

Sales coaches need to ask if the actions are doable and do contribute to accomplishing goals?

Is the person receiving coaching, motivated and capable of moving forward?

Are timelines realistic? Are support & resources identified and available? 

Important question you need to ask:

How confident the person you are coaching he/she can fulfill the commitment?

Knowing the answers before will help you even start coaching a person.

Set standards for future actions in the context of business and personal needs or

discuss the development opportunity.

Sales Coaching: Determine next steps

You and the sales person who is being coached should agree on the

expected performance. Sales person should fully agree and understand the

next steps to get the results as expected. Agreeing on the actions to take to address performance.

Sales coaches need to provide prescriptive actions and timelines or may

be a future opportunity to practice for development.

Sales Coaching: Evaluate & Follow up

The whole idea of coaching is to evaluate the performance.

From where the sales person was and how the sales person has performed during the course of time.

Sales coaches need to assess progress and follow through to identify how the

performance is going on and track the results on the way.

You need to provide feedback both positive (what’s working) and constructive ( what can be improved) .

They need to track alignment with goals, celebrate and appreciate the person’s work.

While doing sales coaching, you can follow up when appropriate,

create a continuing path forward, with a series of coaching conversations vs/ a single event.


Sales Coaching : 6 Steps Coaching Model on Board
Sales Coaching : 6 Steps Coaching Model on Board

Sales coaching is very important and businesses need to understand that

coaching improves results and brings greater ROI for business if

done effectively that aligns with goals and objectives of an organization.

The Sales Coaching 6 Steps Coaching Model will help you achieve goals.

One more thing…

Founder Presenting: One More Thing
Founder Presenting: One More Thing


In order to reach from good to great results, coaching has to be consistent.

The best sales coaching is always ongoing where employees not only learn,

gain knowledge & execute but results become part of everyday.

If your business has a sales team, and need a sales coach, you can always directly Get in touch with us

We will help create a strategy for your sales team that aligns with your business goals to achieve the desired results you want

To get the best out of your sales people Read: Top Sales force performance, treat your reps like customers

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